Revelation 3:8
I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.
Come in, we’re open. If you see that sign on a shop, especially if you have traveled a great distance to get there, few words are more comforting and welcoming than these. The church in Philadelphia was one of just two of the seven churches that were praised by Jesus with no reservations. Even though they lacked the cache of some of the other cities, Jesus opened the door for them to be blessed and be a blessing to the community around them. The Apostle Paul wrote often to various churches about an open door to present the gospel. What a blessing this is for Philadelphia! Because they have been faithful with little, they will be given much in the way of fruit.
Come to little Cape Community Church tomorrow if you are in the area. If not, may your church, regardless of its size and power, have an open door through which the gospel can be proclaimed. May we all learn to walk through that door to see what is on offer from Jesus Christ and those he chose to hear the Good News of his death, resurrection, and mercy. Our churches may not have much power but we have the name of Jesus Christ, in which there is very much power. Come in, we’re open to learning how to be strong in our faith.
O Heavenly Father, we worship you for your great name and your power and glory. May we see an open door tomorrow to proclaim your name. In Jesus. Name. Amen.