Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; 

      he breaks out against all sound judgment. 

            2       A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, 

      but only in expressing his opinion. 

“I don’t know much about it but here is what I think.” That is disturbing enough in the person on the street but even professional journalists have fallen into this trap. The proverb is correct. It is dangerous to isolate yourself from anyone who thinks differently and seek out news that we consider fit. They do not seek understanding because it is too much work to listen to a dissenting opinion and argue on the merits of your own. It is much easier to make an ad hominem attack on the opponent. Look for it in the presidential debates, where substance takes a backseat to performance. Our colleges are not teaching self-critical inquiry as much as they are promoting the foolishness of this proverb. A simple working knowledge of history is enough to expose this foolishness.

Churches too are not immune from this trap of certainty in our own opinions. There is a creeping tribalism in society that has infected the church of Jesus Christ. We are certain that our church and our celebrity pastor is right and any dissent from that is a sign of apostacy. It is not the spirit of the Bible. Do everything in love in the Golden Rule. Defend the gospel with gentleness and respect. In humility, count others better than yourself. These are the words of Jesus, Peter, and Paul. May we be known in the future for our faith seeking understanding.

Dear Lord, thank you that there is truth and we can seek it in the Bible. Help us to seek understanding and be gracious. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church