The King in his might loves justice.
You have established equity;
you have executed justice
and righteousness in Jacob.
5 Exalt the LORD our God;
worship at his footstool!
Holy is he!
“I am not being heard!” This proclamation is a common one and it does not imply deafness in the recipient of the complaint but rather refusal to let the complainant have their way. In this case, they can claim that they have not received justice. The problem with calls for justice is that everyone has their own version of what it looks like and who should implement it. Here in this psalm, we have the problem solved and explained to perfection. The psalmist ascribes justice to the King, not an earthly king but the LORD. It is he who establishes equity and metes out justice. We will only exert political power and lord it over the powerless. He is the only one who is righteous and worthy of worship. We in our self-righteous indignation can only exalt ourselves.
As much as it would create a firestorm of indignation, these verses should, along with the Ten Commandments, be emblazoned on each courthouse. If these were followed, there would be equity because we would all see that he loves us all equally. There would be justice because we would consult his word to obey his call for mercy and forgiveness. There would be righteousness because it would be imputed to us by believing in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. Then watch the wheels of justice turn! We will see each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. This is impossible in our current fallen world but the day is coming when…
He will be heard.
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church