4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—
“But God”. Those two words are a theme in Ephesians, indeed, in all of Scripture. Adam sinned, but God promised the serpent’s head would be crushed. Israel was unfaithful to God, but God loved them and promised a New Covenant. Jesus came and was crucified, but God raised him. We were dead in our sins, but God’s love, mercy, and grace made us alive. On top of that, we are alive with Christ. We are saved. We don’t deserve it, but God…
The world is without Christ and falling apart, dying in its sins, but God has a plan for a new heaven and a new earth. The world rejects God, even ridiculing him and his people, but God will not be mocked. You may feel alone and abandoned in this world, but God will never leave you nor forsake you. You may feel you have blown it and cannot be saved, but God sent Jesus as a sacrifice, once for ALL. You may feel that God loves you less than his other people, but God shows no favoritism. You may want to give up, but God will never give up on you.
The truth is, there is a “But God” for every problem in the world and in your life. We can think of a thousand reasons to give up, to surrender to the world with its hedonism, hate, and hubris. But God gave us one reason to persevere. Jesus Christ. His love, mercy, and grace make it possible to face another day, maybe even read the news, without despair. You may think this is impossible.
But God doesn’t.
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church
Cape May Court House NJ