The LORD is your keeper; 

      the LORD is your shade on your right hand. 

            6       The sun shall not strike you by day, 

      nor the moon by night. 


            7       The LORD will keep you from all evil; 

      he will keep your life. 

            8       The LORD will keep 

      your going out and your coming in 

      from this time forth and forevermore. 

As the average person walks this earth, looks at the news, and sees despair and strife in the world, even an atheist must be tempted to quote the first verse of this psalm.

 I lift up my eyes to the hills. 

       From where does my help come? 

The problem for many people is that the conversation starts and stops right there. They cannot appeal to the innate goodness of man for the obvious reason that man is not good. Not one. As they come to that realization, they need an answer and verses 5 through 8 provide that answer. If you have surrendered your will to the sovereign will of the LORD, you are his and he will go beside you. Things like mass shootings at parades will continue to happen, but when you have the answer to your cry that the LORD is there, your outlook will change.

Are you in a situation where all you can do is look up and cry for help? It may not seem like it now but that is actually where great things can happen. I cried out next to a dumpster and the LORD was there. Cry out to him today. Look up. Ask where he is. Not only is he there with you now, but he will be with you…


Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church