Then the remnant of Jacob shall be
in the midst of many peoples
like dew from the LORD,
like showers on the grass,
which delay not for a man
nor wait for the children of man.
We got a really good storm yesterday in Cape May. Normally we look at storms as chaotic and dangerous but our dry earth welcomed the showers and the dew. It was provided by God. The remnant of Jacob that Micah described are the survivors of the calamity and storm of captivity and suffering. The remnant, God promises, will be a blessing to many peoples. Later in the chapter, he promises that they will bless many nations. This is a great encouragement to those who have not yet gone through any of this because Micah wrote around the time Assyria took the northern tribes. Whatever happens, Micah said, there would be descendants that would remain and carry on the worship of the Lord. Not only that, they would be a blessing in that Messiah would come for all peoples and nations. Jesus Christ is that Messiah.
The early church went through persecution and the blood of the martyrs was seed for the church. God provided the remnant as rain and the dew for the church to survive. They too were a blessing for the peoples and the nations in that they spread the gospel to the end of the earth as Jesus commanded. There may be more persecution but just as God provides the showers and the dew, he will provide the remnant that will worship the Lord on his return to earth. It will wait for no man. When the fullness of time has come, He will come…
Like dew from the Lord.
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church