Say to them, As I live, declares the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel? 

Even the sweetest and dearest senior saint wants the bad guy to get it at the end of the movie. There is something strangely satisfying about it. Of course, it is not right for us to do so but it fits our sense of justice. This verse in Ezekiel’s prophecy presents God’s view of such matters. He does not enjoy seeing the death of the wicked, no matter how much we think he should love sticking it to the bad guys. He is like the parent who says, “This will hurt me more than it hurts you.” God would rather see repentance in his people. In this case, it is Israel. Today, that is you and me.

Some days, you may feel that God has you in his crosshairs and he has an itchy trigger finger. Some days give us that impression. How would it change your day to realize that God would never do anything to hurt you but to help you? How would it change your view of God to realize that he would much rather see you turn and live than keep going your own way to death? He desires life for you, not death. In fact, Jesus came that you would have life and have it to the full. God is not a killjoy. He is the author of joy. Turn and look. He will be there and it is in him…

You will find life.

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church