Psalm 66:5-7


      Come and see what God has done: 

      he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man. 

            6       He turned the sea into dry land; 

      they passed through the river on foot. 

                  There did we rejoice in him, 

            7       who rules by his might forever, 

                  whose eyes keep watch on the nations— 

      let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah

When someone tells you to close your eyes and then leads you into another room, you know that when they tell you to look, you will see something extraordinary and surprising. That is, unless an elaborate practical joke is being played on you by an especially cruel person. God is not such a cruel person, despite what some think about him. The writer of this psalm, who could be David, has seen great things done by the Lord. More importantly, he heard stories of wondrous deeds done by God. The Bible contains these stories. Exodus tells us about the Hebrews crossing the Red Sea after God parted it. Joshua tells us of the Israelites crossing the Jordan on dry land because God stopped the flow. The psalmist knew well of these things because God spoke his word.

When Jesus walked the earth, John tells us that Philip told Nathanael to come and see. He saw Jesus. A Few chapters later, John tells us the woman at the well told the Samaritan townspeople to come, see a man. They saw Jesus. What is the Lord telling you today? If you have read the Bible this morning, it told you something. If you have not picked up a Bible in some time, there is something God wants to tell you. There is a man who knows everything you ever did…

Come and see.