For you have heard of my former life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it. 14 And I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, so extremely zealous was I for the traditions of my fathers.

In the days before social media, it was harder to assume that someone had heard anything, regardless of its import. The assassination of President Lincoln was reported nine days later in some areas. That is why, in about 48 AD, Paul’s declaration that those in the Galatian churches must have heard of his exploits in Judaism was extraordinary. Paul must have been the most celebrated Pharisee of his day. Everyone knew who he was. It was not because of his career as a Pharisee, distinguished as it was. It was because of something that happened a few years before the letter was written. Paul was on his way to Damascus as a persecutor of Christians and arrived with the stunning news that he had encountered the risen Lord Jesus Christ. It sure created a buzz all over Palestine and Asia Minor.

That is the kind of attention a changed life demands. You too can be famous for your former life, especially if your new life begins as dramatically as Paul’s. When Jesus reveals himself to sinners and rescues them from bondage, it should make front page headlines, if newspapers still exist. Unfortunately, the news is too busy with the latest catastrophe and scandal. The world needs some good news. We have the power to spread the news that changes lives. Today, present some breaking news to someone, that Jesus is breaking the chains and granting us freedom from sin…

Read all about it.

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church