Then I said: “Ah, Lord GOD, behold, the prophets say to them, ‘You shall not see the sword, nor shall you have famine, but I will give you assured peace in this place.’ ” 14 And the LORD said to me: “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name.

I heard the scientist and author Michael Behe ask his audience why scientists believe evolution. “Because that is what they were taught.” was his reply. The people of Israel believed wrongly that God would not punish their sin. Why? Because they were taught it by false prophets. Jeremiah pleaded with the Lord that it was not the fault of the people but the false prophets. The Lord punished them not for believing lies but for their own wickedness. They could not plead ignorance of what God required of them and thus were not excused from the judgment brought upon them. The false prophets would suffer their own punishment of course.

There are many false teachers teaching false gospels and many people who believe them because that is what they were taught. We could plead with God to excuse them because they were taught wrong. Just as Israel had no excuse because of God’s written law, the people of today have no excuse for not knowing because they did not read God’s written gospel. God has revealed to us all we need to know about who Jesus is and what we must do to be saved. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved (Acts 16:31). Instead, they believe that if they send money to a rich preacher, they will have “assured peace in this place.” It is snake oil. Only the truth of the gospel will set you free and…

Give you assured peace.

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church