Isaiah 59:1:2
Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save,
or his ear dull, that it cannot hear;
2 but your iniquities have made a separation
between you and your God,
and your sins have hidden his face from you
so that he does not hear.
Is God deaf? In our Wednesday night Bible study we discussed the anthropomorphism of God in the Scriptures. This is a good example in Isaiah. Here is God’s hand, ear, and face. He seems to have lost the sense of hearing. This is simply our finite minds’ way of grasping the infinite presence of God, timeless, not bound by space, Spirit. This distracts though from the really important word in these two verses. Separation. Our sins have separated us from God and he has turned his back on us, to use another human example. That is a terrible feeling but it is the warning from Isaiah to an entire people, Israel, whom God chose and loved, redeeming them from slavery and giving them a promised land and a nation. Sin got in the way. But God…made a way.
Come to Cape Community Church tomorrow and learn how this separation from God became the glorious Immanuel event. God with us. See how, even in the renewed darkness of the present society, the timeless God is present even now, changing hearts and minds and revealing himself to new chosen people each minute. Now, God can hear and he will remember your sins no more…if you have used your ears and listened to his call to worship the newborn King. Now because of the cross, the hand of God was not shortened…
It was outstretched.