If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
“Look! Up in the sky!” That famous phrase was followed by the multiple choice question, bird, plane, or Superman. Paul would have the church in Colossae look up to heaven to know the answer to the true/false question, “Jesus is God the Son and only through him are we saved.” The answer is true. This if/then clause is an important one for believers and unbelievers alike. If you are saved, then the things above are more important than the things on earth. If there is nothing up there but gas, then nothing is important at all. The atheist or agnostic of this world gathers their meaning from this world. That is heartbreakingly hopeless. Live until you die is not uplifting.
Come to Cape Community Church tomorrow for worship and Communion as we learn the difference between looking at the Creator more than the creation. We will celebrate him through whom creation came into being. We will continue to answer the question Jesus asked his disciples in Matthew 16, “Who do you say that I am?” The creation goes only so far in answering that question. The real answer comes from above, from the Holy Spirit and from Scripture. This could be the day you pass the test by falling on your knees and proclaiming…
You are the Christ! The Son of the living God!
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church