Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 

Many new chainsaws will have this warning label. “Never hold the wrong end of a chainsaw.” One fears that it must have happened to warrant the warning. The body does not come with a warning label but there is an instruction manual; the Bible. Paul wrote to a wayward church in Corinth that was holding the wrong end of the chainsaw. There was sexual immorality with prostitutes and even relatives. They had forgotten or never knew who they were in Christ; sons and daughters, co-heirs, and friends with him. Their identity was not in Christ but in the world around them.

Identity is a hot topic right now as many question their gender identity, their ethnic identity, or their sexual orientation identity. The Bible says we can know exactly who we are in Christ. John says the follower of Christ is a loved and accepted child of God and a friend of Jesus. Paul says you are a saint and heir, united in membership, redeemed, forgiven, and complete. You are a temple. Peter says you share his nature. You are an image bearer of God. He did not make any mistakes in your identity. He formed you in your mother’s womb just as he meant to.

Rejoice in your identity today. Don’t question it or lament your life’s circumstances. Don’t tear down the temple that you are in Christ. You were bought with a price.

You are expensive real estate!

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church