Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
It is frustrating to purchase an electronic device and find that the instructions are so hard to follow that it seems unlikely that the device will be useful. I wouldn’t know because Vicki ends up doing that for me. That is why it is so refreshing to open Scripture and see the gospel presented so clearly and see our response so clearly mapped out. These verses in Colossians is just such a verse. The church was being infiltrated with a different set of instructions that was so convoluted that it obscured the entire message. It relied heavily on self attained knowledge. Paul made it simple. Receive Christ, imitate him as your foundation, and praise him. Anything else would draw the church away from Jesus and Paul was not having it.
Come to Cape Community Church tomorrow and join us in doing just that. We will sing his praises and study his word, learning to imitate him, and we will celebrate Communion with him as children who are permitted to eat at the King’s table. We stress that only those who have received Christ are permitted at the table. If that is you, the instructions are simple. Receive Christ, walk in his ways, be discipled, praise him, and commune with him in prayer. Then…
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Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church