And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, 31 so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”
We have seen athletes point to the heavens when they make a great play and actors credit God in their award acceptance speech. They are outnumbered by the grandiose end zone dancers and puffed up self congratulations from the podium. Paul pointed out to the struggling church in Corinth, many of whom may have felt self satisfied with their wealth, learning, and status, that none of this is their own doing but the work of God. The source of all the world brags about, their intelligence, their good deeds and philanthropy, is God. They boast but they do not know that they are slaves in need of a redeemer. They think they are free and that they do not need any help.
Sadly, many Christians are living their Christian walk the same way. They think they cleverly discovered Jesus and their good works must impress him terribly. Pastors slyly divulge the numbers of their staff that are “under them” and the size of “their” congregations. Let us never forget the one we worship and serve, the Lord, Savior, and Master Jesus Christ. Forgetting any one of these titles of Jesus will cause us to boast in ourselves instead of him. May we point to the heavens and boast about the Lord to someone today.
Dear Lord, thank you that you are the source of our salvation, sanctification and glorification. Help us to boast of that to the “wise” of this world today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church