And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 22 Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?”

Be careful what you wish for. That is a warning to those who paint too rosy a picture of leadership. Look at a picture of all the recent presidents before they took office and after. The stark contrast should tell you all you need to know of the stresses of governmental leadership. Jesus speaks here of leadership in the church. James and John do not know what will happen to them. James wil find out in Acts 12 as he is killed with the sword. John will be exiled. Neither one, surely, got what he was bargaining for.

Too many are in church leadership because they craved the attention and prestige of the office. Perhaps they fell into the same trap our presidents did. As time goes on and the church becomes more and more hated, this warning from Jesus will become more and more needed. The time is coming when strong leaders will be needed. The Lord is preparing them now from the ranks of our children. May they be tried by fire before taking up the sword for the upcoming battle. May we be in prayer for them as they drink the cup. May we all keep our eyes on the prize, when Babylon drains the cup of God’s wrath. Then, and only then, will it be safe to lead but we will be leading in praising and worshiping the Returning King. Until then…

Drink up!

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church