8 Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, 9 obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 

In Norman Rockwell’s painting The Rookie, a young baseball player walks into the Red Sox clubhouse and there stands Ted Williams, one of the best ever. I wonder if the churches in the area of modern day Turkey had a similar reaction to being in the presence of Peter, a pillar of the church. He spoke in these verses about these believers never having seen Jesus. Then they ponder the fact that Peter did. He walked with God the Son while he taught on earth. He saw him arrested and crucified. He saw the Risen King and saw him ascend to the Father. He received the Holy Spirit and visions of the gospel to the nations. Then he wrote a letter to these churches. Would you read it?

Come to Cape Community Church tomorrow and gather together as these churches did. We will not only read this letter but we will dig deep into the word, looking at Peter’s growth as a man, a Christian, and a leader. We will seek to express the inexpressible joy we feel at being in the presence of the King, worshiping him and praying to him. We will express the love we have for him because, although we have not seen him, we believe and we have met him. We have received…

Salvation for our souls.

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church