1 Samuel 11
When the wife of Uriah heard that Uriah her husband was dead, she lamented over her husband. 27 And when the mourning was over, David sent and brought her to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD.
The word “hypocrite” means actor. An actor, by definition, goes through the motions, trying to convince people of their sincerity. One must wonder about the sincerity of Bathsheba’s mourning for her dead husband considering she committed adultery against him with the king, David. Lamenting and weeping was the custom of the day but there is nothing here that implies that she meant one of those tears she shed. It was this same adultery that led to Uriah’s death as David sent him to certain death in battle to cover up his deed. David’s sincerity in this marriage covenant must also have seemed suspect, judging by the fact that this was the third of his many wives, though a mere eight are named. Eight!
The most common charge leveled at Christians is that of a hypocrite. So many preachers pour it on behind the pulpit, raining tears during “heartfelt” sermons, only to cause tears and break the hearts of the flock with their own sin. So many Christians go before God and spew marriage vows that will be worthless once their own needs are seemingly not met. Adultery soon follows and more heartache. All these things displease the LORD.
Today, let authenticity rule your heart and be genuine in the marketplace about who you are in Christ, a sinner, and who Jesus is, a Savior. This transparency will be visibly refreshing to people and it will…
Please the LORD.