A servant who deals wisely will rule over a son who acts shamefully
and will share the inheritance as one of the brothers.
Everyone loves a rags to riches story. Movies are made about them. The sad ones are when they become a rags to riches to rags story because the recipient of the riches lacked wisdom. In this proverb, we learn of a servant who is not a part of the family but, because his wisdom surpasses that of an actual son, shares in the inheritance of the father. His rags to riches story has a happy ending because of his prudence while the son suffers loss because of his shame. This is all good to bear in mind for practical purposes but the themes in this one Old Testament verse are rife with New Covenant imagery. The wise servant obeys the Father because the inheritance has already been given! The shameful son loses his inheritance by failing to know the Father and rejects him. Anyone who the Father chooses to bless is blessed, whether they are rich or poor, son or servant.
It is wise for us to be wise in our dealings with others. There are benefits. We will not go to jail for impetuous behavior or fraud. We will not spend foolishly and go broke. We will be well thought of in the community. The best benefit of all this wisdom is that the name of Jesus Christ will be honored in the sight of the acquaintances of the wise servant. The shameful son will diminish the glory of the Savior in their eyes. Today, celebrate that your share of the inheritance is secure and deal wisely with someone today. Maybe they will see Jesus and go…
From rags to riches!
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church