22 Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. 23 And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone,
“Elvis has left the building.” If you remember that, I congratulate you. The rest of us have heard about it as a historical event pertaining to the biggest letdown for a concert audience in music history. There would be no encore. This small passage in Matthew 14 would seem to qualify as a big letdown. Jesus sent his disciples away in a boat, sent the crowds away and went away himself. What good could come of this? Much and very soon. Jesus prayed, a miracle occurred, and the faith of the disciples was deepened. What an encore!
Come to Cape Community Church tomorrow and find out how Peter specifically learned the power of faith in the face of confusion and fear. As we continue to study life lessons from his life, may our lives be strengthened by the example of Jesus in alone time and prayer. Then we will be alert to see the miracles he works in the lives of those we witness to and our own faith will be deepened. Jesus is the God of lifting up, not letting down. He will never leave the building. Even when he was arrested, crucified and placed in a tomb, there would be no letdown. The person the women came to see on that first Easter morning was elsewhere. They were told he is not here…
Then came the encore.
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church