So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. 

…and they lived happily ever after. That is a good summary ending of a fairy story. This verse just before the final greetings to the Galatians serves the same purpose. In this verse is the perfect response to the argument Paul made throughout the letter. His message of freedom from slavery to sin and the law leads to a reaction of gratitude, from which flows loving service to the Lord, our neighbor, and especially one another. This may sound odd that we give special attention to those already saved. Don’t we leave the 99 and seek out the 1? Yes, but Paul used a special word to speak of a different kind of bond; that of the family. We share a household with brothers and sisters in a loving connection. This is especially evident in the Lord’s Supper.

Come to Cape Community Church tomorrow as we see what good deeds we can do in the church. We will learn that church discipline is often the best way to show love to someone, by having hard conversations to bring them back to the household. We will also experience the peculiar nature of this household as we gather together to celebrate Communion. We will join our brothers and sisters at the table of our King in a common bond only possible in him. No club can compare to the body of Christ. Tomorrow is your opportunity to enjoy the household of faith…

Our doors are open.

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church