14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another. 

“All You Need is Love” was the title of a Beatles song in 1967, a year famous for its “Summer of Love”. The love talked about in those days took a bizarre turn as drug overdoses and divorce ushered in the “Me” decade. This self-love has manifested itself a couple of generations later into a near worship of self. The Golden Rule taught by Jesus, to do unto others as you would have them do unto you, has given way to trying to get gold and rule. Paul warned the churches in Galatia that there are two ways to live, by the flesh and by the Spirit. The keyword is love.

Come to Cape Community Church tomorrow and see what love has meant from the Old Testament, from Jesus, and from Paul.We will examine the world and the Church to see which of the two ways is most evident. We can guess which way the world is heading. It is less clear what is going on in the Church. We will apply these simple principles to the life of the local church body and learn that we can partake of the Bread of Life or devour each other while dying of spiritual starvation. Come feast on the fruit of the Spirit and see that, for true love…

All you need is Jesus.

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church