1 Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, 2 which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy Scriptures, 3 concerning his Son, who was descended from David…

These are the first verses of Paul to the Romans, written in the late 50’s AD. The letter serves as a mini-systematic theology textbook. That makes it sound dry but I assure you it isn’t. One thing is true of Romans; it is possible to know the gospel without knowing Romans, but it is impossible NOT to know the gospel once you have read and understood Romans. In fact, all of history culminates in Jesus and all of Scripture teaches us about Jesus, as Paul wrote in verse 2.

At Cape Community Church, we love the Bible and encourage our people to read the Bible through in a year. For the next 16 days, we will have a devotional from each chapter of Romans. After reading this devotion, we encourage you to read the entire chapter. In 16 days, you will have a deeper understanding of Romans and the gospel. During this time, may you be in the word, on your knees in prayer, and in Christ. Just in these three verses, we learn that we are called, if not as an apostle, then as a follower, we are set apart to proclaim the Good News, and we are promised the love of Jesus. Imagine what God will teach us in the next 15 days!