What then has become of your blessedness? For I testify to you that, if possible, you would have gouged out your eyes and given them to me. 16 Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth?
For decades, Christian parents have had to deal with the sad fact that we could raise our children all their lives, teaching them the faith and values of Jesus Christ, only to have them come home from their first semester in college as atheists who resent their parents’ teaching. That has only gotten much worse in the past few years. If that has happened to you , there is a special resonance in these two verses from Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia. He was their father in the faith and verse 15 speaks of the love they had for him, so much so that they would have made great sacrifices to cure Paul’s malady. Yet in verse 16, we can tell they have spent a semester at Judaizer U. and have been poisoned against not only the gospel, but against Paul himself. His faithfulness to the Lord has come at the cost of friendships and reputation.
Come to Cape Community Church tomorrow and learn how to react to situations like this. Maybe you do not have college-age children anymore but this can happen with children, grandchildren, friends, and co-workers. You can quickly become an enemy of the people these days simply by telling the truth. Let’s learn how to do it anyway. The Galatians lost their Beatitudes. Let us help our loved ones be blessed by the truth of the gospel and be comforted that…
Blessed are those who are reviled.
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church