The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil. 

On September 11, 2001, I read Ecclesiastes in bed that night, wondering about the fates of the many that had just perished hours before. Life certainly seemed to be vanity, meaningless, to many in the world that day. Ecclesiastes has been called the most depressing book in the Bible. It is truly depressing for those who walk this earth without the Lord. Think of funerals. For us, they are a celebration. Look at these closing verses in Ecclesiastes. The end of the matter is that God is in control and we are not. The instruction is clear. Have fear, a reverent awe of God that enables you to do that which pleases him and shudder at the thought of offending the God that had such mercy.

Every day is a gift from God and we have two possible attitudes to have about each day, depending on our worldview. We can say life is meaningless and then you die and live life accordingly. The other option is to see each day as a gift and live it with gratitude for the mercy God showed us on the cross on that first Good Friday and the hope of eternal life he gave us on that first Easter Sunday with the Resurrection. Guess which attitude will make for a better day with more joy and love. If life is meaningless, ending that life is a viable option, says the existentialist. If the duty of man is to love the Lord and love our neighbor, let’s get to work and…

Have a good day!

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church