They were looking for Jesus and saying to one another as they stood in the temple, “What do you think? That he will not come to the feast at all?”

Isaac Asimov, the great mathematician but not so great theologian, wrote a Guide to the Bible. This would be like me writing a Guide to Splitting the Atom. He closed the book by mocking the words of Jesus in Revelation 22:7, “Behold, I come quickly.” He said they were “…still unfulfilled nearly two thousand years later…”. Surely, a mathematician knows that 2,000 years is far from an eternity and therefore no reason to doubt the veracity of Scripture. In the last week of the life of Jesus on earth, there was debate about whether he would attend Passover. He was under threat by the religious leaders because of his claims to be God. He exacerbated the “problem” by demonstrating amazing wonders and signs. If you or I were under threat of death, we would surely think twice about rushing into the lions’ den. Much more than Daniel, Jesus had no such fear. He went.

This Palm Sunday, come to Cape Community Church to learn what happened to put Jesus in such danger. We will also learn how we can rush into danger while others rush out. This requires more than courage and a spirit of service. It requires the belief that Jesus came to our rescue. We are honoring first responders and those who volunteered for our Warming Center Homeless Ministry this past winter. They came to the rescue. Jesus came to our rescue and at the last siren…

Will come quickly.

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church