Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. 24 So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith.

If you have ever been tied to a chair, gagged, and left alone, as my brother’s friend playfully did to me when I was little, you know the helplessness of being held captive. You are at the mercy of your captor and a captor is seldom disposed to gracious treatment. This is why Paul used this stark imagery to describe the plight of God’s people throughout their history. God is love and loves his people and he created the law, not to torture the people but to show them his character. He is unattainable and all powerful and no effort from the people will change that. The law was the perfect expression of who God is and who we are not. Then along came the Messiah to free the captives from the bondage of sin. 

Come to Cape Community Church tomorrow and learn how we are changed from captives to sin and the law to blessed recipients of the grace of the New Covenant. We will celebrate that freedom by partaking in the Lord’s Supper. If you have been set free by Christ, there is a seat at the table for you. If not, there is a seat in the church for you to hear the Good News of the grace of God. He sent Jesus to a cross so we could be sent to his loving arms. You can be…

Free at last!

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church