After this Jesus went about in Galilee. He would not go about in Judea, because the Jews were seeking to kill him.
If you see a sign that says “Thin Ice”, do you walk on the ice? What if someone calls you “chicken” if you don’t; will you walk on it then? Me neither. I am chicken. I suppose the lesson in this verse is; do not confuse cowardice with wisdom. Jesus was sent to earth to save the world from our sins. He would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey to fulfill Zechariah 9:9, and he would be crucified to fulfill Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53. Getting killed in Judea at this time was not part of the plan. Besides, he would soon bring Lazarus back from the dead, setting off this chain of events. Rushing headlong into peril is not always courageous and is seldom wise. Jesus was the epitome of both courage and wisdom.
There are certain things you are called to do and certain things you are not to do. We are never called to wander into danger for the sake of it. A Christian who struggles with alcohol addiction should avoid going into bars, even to evangelize. A Christian is not necessarily called to go down a dark alley because an unbeliever might be there. Chances are there is and I do not like your chances. If the Savior of the world avoided places because people were trying to kill him, we are to use wisdom in where we go and who we associate with. Today, pray for wisdom and that the Lord would go on before you and prepare your way. Avoid the thin ice and stand on…
Christ the Solid Rock.
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church