Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in—who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery— 5 to them we did not yield in submission even for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you.
We all know people who watch us work and then tell us we are not doing it right. Perhaps they are not your favorites either. They tend to add steps to the process, making it more difficult and time consuming. To this I reply with a phrase that, admittedly, is not in the Bible. Work smarter, not harder. Perhaps Paul would have written this phrase if it had been in the parlance of the day. Suffice to say, he wrote extensively on the concept. Why add unnecessary steps toward salvation, like circumcision, when all the work was done on the cross? His opponents thought otherwise.
Come to Cape Community Church tomorrow and learn how these “spies” smuggled works into the gospel and how there are crafty spies in the church in America today. We will look at the one true gospel of grace and compare it to the gospel of “Grace Plus”. Paul taught those in the churches in Galatia that where there was freedom, the chains were gone. Are you still wearing chains, thinking you must do something to help Jesus along the way to saving you? We will learn to resist the temptation to yield in submission to such lies. There is no debt when…
Jesus paid it all.
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church