To Titus, my true child in a common faith: 

Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior. 

Before email, people once wrote letters and there were standard greetings such as, “How are you? I am well…” They resembled small talk that could easily be skipped before getting to the meat of the letter. There were standard greetings in ancient letters as well and we see them in Paul’s letters, usually beginning with, “Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, to…” This greeting to Titus contains so much truth that we dare not skip it. Titus is Paul’s true child because he was born again as a result of Paul’s discipleship. It is a common faith, not because it is boring but because it is available to all, rich or poor, free or slave. Grace is the undeserved favor that brings peace, a cessation of hostilities with God as we surrender to him. Salvation comes from God the Father through God the Son, Jesus Christ. What a verse!

If you have been changed by God, you are a child of God and he has written you a love letter, the Bible. To those who are not his, it is like reading a letter written to someone else. It means nothing or they miss the true meaning. To a true child, grace and peace show through in every book in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. To a true child of God, God is a true Father. To a true child of God, Jesus Christ is a true Savior. The next time you read this love letter to the world, don’t miss the greeting from your Father…

To his true child.

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church