Moses must have thought it was his birthday. Here he was looking busy, working, hard, and here came his father-in-law. Who doesn’t want to show his father-in-law that he is a real man? He did not know what was ahead of him. Jethro walked up, saw that Moses was working day and night judging for the people, settling disputed, and generally going without rest. He expected to hear Jethro’s approval of his manhood but instead heard, “What you are doing is not good.” He could not have been ready for that.
Moses, like many Americans, think the measure of a man, or woman, is their workload, status, and salary. At our Refiner’s Fire Men’s Meeting last night, Mike told us what it really takes to be a man; holiness, humility, and helpers. He taught us from this passage that we exhibit the aspects of godly manhood best when we cry for help to the Lord and delegate to others.
Many Americans, like the Japanese workers of thirty years ago, are working themselves to death. Burnout is rampant. Let us daily renew our hearts and minds with the word of God, with prayer, and with the gathering together of believers to encourage, love, and help one another. Then we will know what it means to love our neighbor as we love ourselves because we take care of ourselves. Look to the Lord for help…
Help is already there.
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church