And the patriarchs, jealous of Joseph, sold him into Egypt; but God was with him 10 and rescued him out of all his afflictions and gave him favor and wisdom before Pharaoh, king of Egypt, who made him ruler over Egypt and over all his household.
This past Christmas, we had as our theme, Christmas Presence, God with us in the present. Now we have begun a study on the life of Joseph and we cannot get away from this theme again. Everywhere we turn, we see that God was with Moses, with Joshua, with Samuel etc. Joseph was no exception except, he was mistreated more than any other and was blessed just as much as anyone. Being sold into slavery is a consolation when the original plan was being murdered but it is a hardship all the same. Even Stephen, before he suffered just that fate, saw the provision shown to Joseph when he said “…but God was with him”.
Christmas is over but the presence of God just keeps coming into view as 2022 gets going with much the same tumult as 2021 and 2020 before it. We seem to be stringing the years together to weave a tapestry of gloom and despair. It looks for all the world like we have been abandoned. Yet God is with us, Immanuel. His providence is there every bit as much for us as it was for Joseph. We were sold into slavery to sin but God redeemed us. He showed us favor by making us sons and daughters. Next time you feel desolate, and if the beginning of this year is any indicator, you will, remember these words of Jesus before he left this world. Behold…
I am with you always.
Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church