And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? 

      My hope is in you. 

            8       Deliver me from all my transgressions. 

      Do not make me the scorn of the fool! 

            9       I am mute; I do not open my mouth, 

      for it is you who have done it. 

There are few things worse than knowing there is something wrong with your health, the tests have come back, they want to see you right away, but the wait for that appointment is tortuous. The future is always out of your hands but it feels so empty in the moment. Now imagine how much worse it feels for someone whose hope is in the world. This is a psalm of David. He was the owner of several and serious transgressions. His view of the future should have been bleak. He was contrite. He knew he had no answer to the Lord. He had only one hope. Psalm 51 is his cry to a merciful God and these verses are the cry to the only one who could help David. In the end, David could look at the future with assurance because was in the Lord. That is a different kind of life.

You may be dreading the future as one with no hope. If you know the Lord and his mercy, your life is different than that of those with no hope. We can rejoice even in our sufferings. It does not mean that we are insane but that we are in Christ. We wait, not for the shoe to drop, signaling the end of our hope. We wait for the Lord to come beside us in answer to prayer. We wait, not for the bad news of a diagnosis, but the Good News of the cure for sin.

He has done it!

Pastor Brad Boyer
Cape Community Church